Parent and child sessions.
*Term Time Only*
Mondays: 9.30-1.30
First session: 5th September 2022.
Beginning September 2022, we will be offering parent and child sessions with a Waldorf inspired approach for parents and carers with babies, toddlers and infants aged from birth to three years. The sessions aim to encourage families to make new friends alongside receiving nurture and support.
9.30 am.
Session begins with a walk in the stunning Hertfordshire countryside surrounding the Kindergarten. We will explore a range of environments together throughout the term. Baby carrier advisable if you feel you may need it.
Incorporating ring time activities with the children once back at the building after the morning's walk, storytelling, songs and play related to the season / sessions theme, both indoors and out, a shared midday meal using seasonal ingredients, craft or baking activity before finishing the session and heading home at 1.30pm.
Session one's theme will be: Cornfields summer's end, mice and apples.
Term One: Autumn / Winter
September / October- Michaelmas and Harvest
November / December- Martinmas and Advent
Term Two: Winter / Spring
January / February- King Winter and St Valentine
March / April- Mother Earth and Easter Preparation
Term Three: Spring / Summer
April / May- Whitsun and Early Summer
June / July- Midsummer and St John's
First block of sessions: 7 consecutive weeks, beginning 5th September, last session before half term break 24th October- end of term- 19th Dec . £6.50 per session, charged termly in advance. 12 spaces maximum available. 15 sessions this term.